About Luke
Native Baltimorean
Luke is a native Baltimorean. He grew up in Reservoir Hill, where his family were Homesteaders. The Clippingers bought a house in Reservoir Hill in 1974 for one dollar on the promise that they would live there and renovate the property. Luke attended Baltimore City Public Schools from K to 12, graduating from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (“Poly”) in 1990. After receiving a BA from Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, and a law degree from the University of Louisville, Luke returned home to Baltimore. Luke lives in the Riverside neighborhood in South Baltimore.
Assistant State's Attorney
Luke works as an Assistant State's Attorney in Anne Arundel County, where he prosecutes the illegal possession of guns and seeks justice for victims of domestic violence, robberies, and burglaries. Luke’s work as an ASA has given him insight into what does and doesn’t work in the criminal justice system. As a Delegate, Luke has used that knowledge to shield those who seek protective orders against abusers, to give law enforcement tools to stop the “straw purchase” of guns, and to increase penalties for sexual offenders. In 2015, Luke received the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault Visionary Award.

Maryland General Assembly
Luke now serves as the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee. As Chair of the House
Judiciary Committee, Luke led the charge for more transparency and accountability for police officers. He closed loopholes for buying shotguns and rifles and passed legislation requiring every police department to use body cameras. Previously, Luke was a member of the Economic Matters Committee (ECM). On ECM, Luke led the way to expand opportunities for Marylanders to generate solar energy. He sponsored the Community Solar Pilot program which will allow over a million Maryland households to save money on their electricity bills by purchasing shares of solar arrays. This leadership was recognized by the Maryland/ DC/ Virginia Solar Energy Industries Association who gave Luke its Solar Champion award. From 2015 to 2018, Luke served as the Chair of the Democratic caucus in the House of Delegates.
Luke has also been an advocate for working families. He was the lead sponsor of the Maryland Healthy Working Families Act, a piece of legislation that has allowed many Marylanders to earn sick leave, so they don’t have to choose between the health of themselves or a family member and their job. He belongs to the Adult High School Task Force, a group tasked with creating a curriculum and a path for adults to get high school diplomas. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Luke pushed to secure $1.8B in pandemic relief to support small businesses, provide protections for renters to keep families in their homes, and help kids with learning loss and gain better broadband access.
Community Leader
Luke was a German Marshall Fellow in 2012, chosen from leaders across the country to help deepen relationships with leaders in Europe.
Luke is a long-time member of Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church, on Park Avenue in Baltimore, where he served as an Elder.